Cover image: "Red Leaves No. 1" by Bonnie Matthews Brock
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Note from the editor
Welcome to the eleventh issue of Wild Roof Journal…
Thank you for joining us for our new issue!
If it’s your first time here, welcome, and if you’re a WRJ regular, it’s good to have you back. I’m certain the quality of literary and visual art in this issue is what you’ve come to expect!
This issue turned out to be slightly more in favor of poetry, which makes up just over half of the selections included. From Gallery 1’s opening poems by Annie Cigic and Dotty LeMieux, the writing in this issue continues many of the recurring themes from previous WRJ editions, displaying wonderful nuance of craft, pertinent subject matter, and evocative language.
In addition, we have a great roundtable discussion that dives into four poems from the September issue, and there are a few video recordings of our discussion posted as well. There is even an “after party” recording from when we kept rolling after covering the selected poems and shared some thoughts on a listener question. It is always fun to talk with other lit-minded analytics, so I hope that these podcast features are useful for those in need of more conversations about writing, publishing, and creativity!
If you have a favorite piece or a question that you’d like us to cover in the next roundtable, please send a message to
Enjoy the issue!
Aaron Lelito – Founder and editor in chief
A glint is a small flash of light; to slip, slide, or gleam; to shine with particular attention. The poems in Carole Symer’s debut chapbook, Glint, are radiant, hot blooded, self-assured, and infused with potent energy. She begins with a fragment of Sappho and ends with a standing wave. Along the way there is marriage, international adoption, food, flowers, and “the scent of human soft.” You may laugh out loud as you read this work. You will recognize honest truths.
—Holly Wren Spaulding, author of Familiars
Request a copy at your local bookseller: ISBN 978-1735909042
Thank you to our sponsor for Issue 11
This issue is arranged into three “galleries,” a concept we’ve borrowed from the art world. Each gallery has a selection of various artwork–both visual and textual. There are some intentional connections between pieces placed next to each other–maybe some unintentional connections as well–and perhaps some points of contrast. Just like a collection in an art gallery, different styles, techniques, and subject matters are brought together, while still keeping enough space around each piece so that each one can be enjoyed fully on its own.
In addition to the gallery links here, there is a list of contributor names below. You may click on any of these names for a direct link to that artist’s work.
Visual Art
Painting | Photography | Digital | Drawing | Mixed Media
Literary Art
Poetry | Fiction | Non-Fiction | Essay