Wild Roof Journal | Issue 1
March 2020
Cover image: "Genesis" by Michael Marschner
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Note from the editor
Here it is–the first issue of Wild Roof Journal…
Firstly, we would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the writers and artists who submitted work for this issue. We genuinely appreciate your dedication to your creative pursuits as well as the time you have taken to share your work with us. Of course, the nature of a journal like this is that there are tough decisions on which work to include, and that was indeed the case for the selection of work presented within this issue.
For Issue #1, there are 36 contributing artists and writers with one additional artist featured with an interview piece. For these contributors who made the cut, congratulations! For visitors of the journal, welcome! Take your time to enjoy the selections of art, poetry, and prose, and if you see something you particularly like, you might notice a website or social media link listed; don’t hesitate to give your favorites a click, a like, a comment, or a follow. Some contributors have work available for purchase as well, so that is another way you can support what they do.
Part of the appeal of a small publication like this is to provide the opportunity for artists to expand their audiences and make connections with fellow artists. With the creation of Wild Roof, I wanted to capture some of the vitality, experimentation, vision, and introspection that are at the heart of the creative process in order to share it with others. I certainly enjoyed putting starting this project, planning its development, and putting together the first issue. It was a great learning experience and something that I plan to build off of into the foreseeable future.
Of course, one issue doesn’t make for a good journal, so as we release this issue, the editors here are hard at work preparing for the next one. If you like what we’re doing, be sure to follow our Instagram account to get all the updates. You may also sign up for e-mail updates at the bottom of this page.
Aaron Lelito – Founder & Editor in Chief
This issue is arranged into three “galleries,” a concept we’ve borrowed from the art world. Each gallery has a selection of various artwork–both visual and textual. There are some intentional connections between pieces placed next to each other–maybe some unintentional connections as well–and perhaps some points of contrast. Just like a collection in an art gallery, different styles, techniques, and subject matters are brought together, while still keeping enough space around each piece so that each one can be enjoyed fully on its own.
(It should be noted that the best viewing experience is on a computer or tablet… smaller mobile devices–while a necessity at times–may not represent the artists’ work as well.)
In addition to the gallery links here, there is a list of contributor names below. You may click on any of these names for a direct link to that artist’s work.
Visual Art
Painting | Photography | Digital | Drawing | Mixed Media
Literary Art
Poetry | Fiction | Non-Fiction | Essay